I move that Brent and Lance be initiated and welcomed into Manland on Friday September Second, Two-thousand and Five at Seven O'clock in the Evening.
The Weber will be hot. Bring your own Beer and Meat. Also, I know that our compatriettes in Girl World are planning to adorn our beloved fellow Pops in Pretty Pink Pants at or around this same time. While I do not condone his emasculation, I would like to extend an invitation to the girls as well. I imagine that an area for the tailoring of fuchsia bloomers could be provided.
P.S. If the ladies would prefer the privacy of another location I understand that as well.
i second your motion, but H and i may be in S. Ga. the trip keeps getting pushed back, so we'll have to see how it goes.
on the topic of pink pants and emasculation... i think that Pops is strong enough and man enough, and gosh darn it, women love him. there's no keeping the ladies away from him! i for one, am not worried about Pops' integrity -- he is solid (and perhaps a little metrosexual). i think the pink pants are a definite fashion faux-pas, but Pops knows what's going on.
Your point is well noted. He is a little metro ... Now that I think about it he wears nothing but gold day in and day out.
the ladies graciously accept, and with thanks. baked goods and alcoholic libations shall be your tribute!
gold lamay is the new pink. i've been in a tizzy tryin to update my hotpants collection.
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